Alexandra Laudo

Main character of the film, she's currently working as a external relations in the museum
"Fundacio Antoni Tapies".

Arseni Corsellas

Corsellas is the voice, well known spanish actor
born in Figueres, Catalonia, Spain in 1933

Actor - filmpgraphy IMDb

Millaray Farreras

The writer of the story, Farreras is currently working on her own company.

Creative Productions

Jim Loomis

The StoryBoard artist.
Loomis is working on his production company based in Barcelona.

Soren Berenguer

Working as a first assistant in Plantcon, Berenguer is currently
producing short films & features in europe.

"Se7en Days" or "The temples of Angkor" (on post-production)
are two examples.

Click here to view the trailer of Se7en Days

Ruben Latre

The director, Latre temporally based in New York,
is developing his first feature.

director's blog site